A woman with blonde hair wearing a sweater

Kateryna Porshnieva

Engineering Manager, Buffer

Speaker Bio

Kateryna is an engineer from Ukraine with 10+ years of experience in UI development and design, currently leading an engineering team at Buffer. She is passionate about accessible web, design systems and making complex things simple. Apart from work, she is active in tech community, organises board game nights and is known as a coffee snob.

Talk Information

Building Accessible Forms in React

Be it creating account, logging in, searching or sending messages — forms are everywhere on the web and they’re super important. However, if accessibility is overlooked, forms can create quite literal barriers for people with disabilities. This talk will be a practical guide to building web forms that are accessible and won't leave anyone behind.

We’ll start with brief introduction to web accessibility, and then go over common patterns in forms and how to implement them accessibly. We’ll cover semantics, labels, hints, validation, errors, focus and more. All supported by practical example and interactive demos. It’s going to be fun!