A man smiles at the camera

Ben Ilegbodu

Senior Software Engineer, Netflix

Speaker Bio

Ben is a Christian, husband, and father. He’s a Google Developer Expert in Web Technologies and an international speaker with 15+ years of experience in Web UI development. He currently is the Frontend Architect at Stitch Fix. Ben loves basketball, DIY, movies, and sharing experiences with React & TypeScript on benmvp.com.

Talk Information

50 Shades of React Rendering with Next.js

CSR. SSG. SSR. ISR. These acronyms may seem similar, but they represent different rendering methods for React applications. In the past, we had to commit to a single rendering approach for the entire app, but with Next.js, we have the flexibility to choose the optimal rendering type for each page. This hybrid approach aligns closely with the unique needs of our applications. Imagine a landing page with static content that updates only when the code changes, a universally consistent page that undergoes frequent changes, and a personalized logged-in page with content tailored to each user—all rendered differently within a single application.

This session is designed for React developers of all backgrounds. We'll explore the various rendering methods and dive deep into how Next.js empowers us to leverage them effectively. By the end of this talk, you'll not only gain a comprehensive understanding of these different rendering methods but also have the confidence to make informed decisions that maximize the potential of your React applications.